Alderley Edge Community Primary School

Our Recent Events

Year 5 Bring Learning to Life, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 8:12am

Year 5 were lucky enough to be able to visit a Hindu temple called a Mandir.

They have been learning about Hindu beliefs, worship and key aspects of Hinduism which has been fascinating!

The children really enjoyed the experience and had the chance to ask lots of questions. 

Have You Played Tchoukball - we have!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 6:47pm

Tchoukball is a fast-paced and fun-filled sport suited for all ages and abilities. It’s uniquely positioned as one of the few mixed-gender sports in the UK.

Year 6 particpated in a Tchoukball competition at Wilmslow High School. 

We sent two teams and the children played brilliantly. So well in fact, we were unbeaten and won!

Well done teams - we are really proud of you all.

Year 3 Visit The Edge, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 6:00pm

What a beautiful day to walk up the Edge!   

Year 3 set off to reach the summit and succeeded!!   

We enjoyed amazing views and loved exploring the gulley and all the rocks!  Later that afternoon, as part of our work in geography and science,  we looked at our route on maps and then made our own sketch map of our route. 

The children were a pleasure to take out and everyone had fun!

AECPS Spread the Laughter on Red Nose Day, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 1:12pm

We embraced the laughter on Red Nose Day to spread joy and happiness across the school.

The children came 'Dressed to Impress' wearing their funniest, reddest or best outfits.

All the classes held a joke telling competition and the best ones were awarded a prize.

Thank you for all your donations to this special charity event - we raised over £250!

Year 2 Travel Back in Time, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 2:03pm

Year 2 visited Staircase House to consolidate their work on The Great Fire of London.

In the morning, they dressed up and re-enacted the Great Fire of London as Samuel Pepys household. They created their own biscuits to bake in the bakery on Pudding Lane, where the fire started.  After the fire started, they formed bucket chains to try to put out the fire.

In the afternoon they had a workshop on The Plague and found out all about 'The Plague Doctor' and what actually went into the 'Pocket Full of Posies' from the nursey rhyme ' Ring o, Ring o, Roses'

Finally, they finished the day by creating their own wattle and daub walls, just as the buildings in 1666 would have been created.

Phew, a very busy but brilliant day!

Year 3 Pizzeria!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 4:35pm

Today, the year 3 classroom became a pizzeria!

The children designed, made and evaluated a delicious pizza in a style of their own.

I wonder how many made it home to parents? At least we’ve got the photos!

Guilty or Not Guilty?, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 9th Mar 2022 @ 8:23am

Year 6 had the opportunity to participate in two ‘Street Law’ on-line workshops. The sessions were led by teams of lawyers who worked with the children so they could experience the world of law and order.

The first session was called ‘Goldilocks on Trial’ where we rejigged the layout of the classroom to reflect a criminal courtroom.  The children then played the part of Defence Counsel, Prosecution Counsel, Goldilocks (the Defendant), Mummy bear (a witness), PC Plod (a witness), Judge, Usher and Jury.  The trial outcome was a ‘hung’ jury which means there has to be a re-trial. 

The second workshop, entitled “Social Media and Your Dream Job” , encouraged the children to think carefully about what they post online if/when they start to use social media apps, in case it affects their chance of keeping their ‘dream’ job in the future (and is based on some general principles from employment and criminal law).  Lots of fascinating ‘real life’ lessons learnt and it definitely reinforced our esafety messages.


Year 6 Talk Online Safety with PSCO, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 5:08pm

Police Community Support Officer, Kerry Hancock and her colleague, paid a visit to Year 6 to discuss internet safety. 

The children were shocked to hear that from the age of 10 Years old a child is responsible for their behaviour, on-line and 10-year-old children have found themselves in youth court for committing offences on the internet.  (A youth court is a special type of magistrates’ court for people aged between 10 and 17 ) 

There were many questions, from the children, about age restrictions for different apps, fortunately Kerry was able to clear up any misconceptions!

Year 1 Learn About Algorithms, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 5:17pm

The Year 1 children worked brilliantly, with their learning partners, to carefully follow an algorithm.  This resulted in a perfectly and accurately 'painted' bird!  The children compared their work and carefully saved it to their area.  Well done Year 1!

What a team - despite the conditions!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 11:42am

The year 6 and 5 football team were back in action in a knock out competition against Wilmslow schools.

The conditions were awful but the team were amazing and played brilliantly. 

We are looking forward to hearing if we made it through the group stage.

World Book Day - Dr Suess Takes Over AECPS, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 10:40am

We have had a fantastic World Book Day and Dr Suess and his stories and poems have taken over AECPS.

All the children and staff have made a fantastic effort and dressed up in his characters and colours.

The teachers  planned fun lessons based on his books and the drama workshop based on 'The Lorax' has been excellent.

What a brilliant day!

Year 1 Travel Back in Time, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 4:13pm

Year One spent the day as Victorians doing many chores such as dusting, setting the table, sweeping, baking, Practising their handwriting on chalk boards and dressing up in Victorian costumes. 

We also looked at the different stages of what would happen to the cotton at Styal mill. 

A very busy day indeed!!

Reception Earn Class Award, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 2:45pm

The children in Reception class have worked hard this spring term towards their class award.

The children decided with Miss Platt the things they needed to do to make the classroom the best learning place it can be and then worked towards them to gain an afternoon playing with their own toys from home.

Each child presented a show and tell to the rest of the class and then the children enjoyed playing with and sharing their toys with their friends.

Well done Reception class- well deserved.

Year 2 Create Pudding Lane, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 12:59pm

Year 2 have been busy finding out about The Great Fire of London and today they recreated Pudding Lane, where the fire, started.  They then took on the roles of  Samuel Pepys and King Charles  to discuss the  decisions  that had to be made which would change London forever.

Come and take a walk  down Pudding Lane with us.


..... and still the science continues, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 12:31pm

...and still the science continues from Year 6 investigating the power of a sneeze, to experimenting with cabbages and finally presenting their Science Fair projects, to year 1s testing how fast different materials fall. 

Year 2 used their science detective skills to find out which dinosaur poo belonged to which dinosaur and then spent the day at the Cataylst museum, where they tie-dyed, screen printed and had lots of fun in the hands-on Science galleries.


Virtual Reality in Science Week, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 16th Feb 2022 @ 2:36pm

The KS2 children  loved the experience of using the VR headsets  to bring science and nature to life in science week. 

They learnt about the Poles and the animals that live there that are adapted to the  climate. Some children visited space and others toured the Wonders of the World.

Wow!    We had great fun.

Science Week Set Off With a Bang!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 1:52pm

Science Week at school got off with a bang... literally as Mad Scientists exploding Erica thrilled us all with the magic of explosive science. We learnt all about renewable, chemical and human power that helps produce light.

Reception enjoyed a buggy focused workshop and were able to observe different kinds of bugs  - then make their own.

Year 1 Looked at different types of falters and how they changed light they even use Uva light to look at different colours.

Year 2 had an exciting afternoon looking at chemical reactions which included making their own slime!

Phew and that's just day 1

It's Science Week - Reception have been busy, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 14th Feb 2022 @ 5:28pm

The children in Reception learnt all about identifying insect during their Mad Science Workshop today by singing an "Insect" version of "Heads, Shoulders, Knee's and Toes"! The children also had a chance to look at real bugs set in resin to decide whether they could spot the head, thorax, abdomen, eyes, antennae, 6 legs and maybe wings! They also had the opportunity to make their own larva and learnt all about how animals use colour to either camouflage or warn predators away.

Year 1 Inspired by Kandinsky, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 14th Feb 2022 @ 9:23am

Year 1 have been inspired by the abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. 

They have drawn lines of different lengths and thicknesses and have created enclosed shapes.  They then added colour to their fantastic pieces. 

Well done Year 1!

We Celebrated Children's Mental Health Week, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 4:51pm

Everyone in school has been joining in Children's Mental Health Week.

Working with the theme of 'Growing Ourselves' all the children completed lots of fun activities to develop positive mindsets, understand emotions and have a range of stratgegies to use when things are feeling a bit tricky. 

Have a look at the photos to see what we have been up to.


Cheshire Indoor Kurling Finalists, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 4:47pm

Our Indoor Kurling Team were back in action at the Cheshire Finals

The team played brilliantly and could be future Kurling Champions at the Winter Olympics.

We didn’t get a medal this time but we played well as a team and had a great time with all the other Cheshire Primary schools.


Roll The Dice!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 9:16am

Year 1 had great fun gathering data during Internet Safety Day.  

They worked in pairs to roll a dice 20 times.  They recorded the results and started to produce their own 2Count pictograms.  The children will then compare their pictograms and talk about what they show.  Well done Year 1!

Safer Internet Day - We know how to keep safe online, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 3:32pm

We have all been learning about how to stay safe online.

Listen to year 6 to hear more about this important area of keeping ourselves safe.

Year 4 Are Enjoying Composing, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 3:24pm

Year 4 have been creating bars of three beats with a partner and playing them on a drum. We used the terms jogging, walking and stride to explain how long our beats would be.

We used bean bags to help up tap to the beat of a song. We counted in at different speeds to change the tempo of the song.

Year 6 Inspired by William Morris, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 3:24pm

Year 6 have been inspired by Willam Morris to create their own designs.

They are looking forward to applying these to their fashion clothing and accessories!

Have a look at the montage of our designs.

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick