Alderley Edge Community Primary School

Our Recent Events

Did you Know Frisbee Throwing was a Sport?, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 25th Mar 2025 @ 12:01pm

What great fun we had learning to turn frisbee throwing in to a competitive sport!

A team of AECPS children went to Wilmslow HIgh School to learn how to play Ultimate Frisbee.

The children learnt new skills and had great fun playing with children from other schools.

Thank you Miss Trust for taking the team.

AECPS 'Borrowed The Moon', by Mrs Walsh

Date: 19th Mar 2025 @ 5:25pm

These rare samples were provided to our school through a project called ‘Borrow the Moon’ by the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) which provides educational packs in a bid to inspire young people in Science.

The children were encouraged to reach for the stars and learn more about the universe around us during a week-long interactive experience of astronomy.

They were given the unique opportunity to touch a piece of a space rock not of this Earth as they handled genuine meteorites.

The pack provided by STFC included a 1.2bn year old piece of Mars rock and 4.3bn year old nickel meteorite. It is unlikely that children will ever get the chance to hold an object older than this, as Earth itself was formed 4.6bn years ago.


Super 'Spacey' Science Week, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 19th Mar 2025 @ 5:21pm

What an amazing science week we held this year!

The whole school took the theme of Space and conducted investigations, attended live chats with astronauts, watched live events led by scientists and have vistors in school with a scientific expertise.

The highlight was the year was that we were lucky enough to have pieces of the actual moon and meteors in school to investigate with.

This was super special and caused real excitement!


Delighted to retain Music Mark...again!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 18th Mar 2025 @ 9:18am

We are delighted to have retained the Music Mark for another year in recognition for our commitment to high quality music provision in school.

The broad range of musical and performance opportunities on offer for our children was also recognised by OFSTED as something special and unique to our school.

Music is such an important subject in the curriculum in its own right. It also supports learning in other subjects and is important for the social and emotional development of children.

Year 5 Mars Day, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 10th Mar 2025 @ 3:33pm

Year 5 had the exciting opportunity to take part in Mars Day.

They enjoyed an interview with Astronaut Tim Peake, a tour of the European Space Centre and learning all about the training activities for Astronauts.

They also took part in a Moon and Mars live lesson  and really enjoyed the videos of looking down on Earth from space. They also completed some activities directing the Mars Rover and finding the equivalent amount of Burj Khalifa buildings to the depth of the Valles Marineris (the largest canyon in the entire Solar System)!

Year 5 love learning about Space and can't wait to continue their learning in Science Week!


Cheshire Fire and Rescue Visit Year 5, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 10th Mar 2025 @ 3:32pm

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the visit from Cheshire Fire and Rescue to discuss Road Safety.

They loved meeting the mascot and measuring themselves to see if they were tall enough to be out of a booster!

They also impressed the visitors with their knowledge of Road Safety and the importance of Stop, Look, Listen, Think.

They tested themselves on different distractions such as having to read the word not say the colour of the word.

At the end of the visit, they were also allowed to try on some of the Fire Service helmets, and of course our Safety Ambassadors had to also get a photo! Thank you Cheshire East Fire and Rescue Service.

Great Fun on World Book Day 2025, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 10th Mar 2025 @ 10:46am

We had a huge amount of fun celebrating World Book Day!

Chidlren and staff celebrated their love of books and reading in an event packed World Book Day. 

Our school places a high value on reading, as recognised by OFSTED who described it as "the lifeblood of the school" and we encourage reading all year long.

This year we chose to focus this World Book Dy on a whole school theme using the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Oliver Jeffers.

Children and staff dressed in colours to represent the different crayons. The staff led an assembly where they retold the story to the whole school and then all the classes carried on the fun theme with their learning back in class.

We are really looking forward to the visit of the Book Fair in the next few weeks so we can use our vouchers!

Learning to Play Chess, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 3rd Mar 2025 @ 5:00pm

We are really enjoying learning to play Chess and some of our children joined in a local school Chess competition.

It was a great learning experience and one we are excited to train for and do again in the future.

Reception Children Enjoy Special Visitor to Read Stories, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 1:35pm


Hannah Hill, from Knutsford Methodist Church, has been visiting the Reception Class to share Bible stories with them. 

Hannah is the Children and School's Worker for the Alderley Edge and Knutsford Circuit. 

The Reception children are enjoying these visits and we look forward to Hannah delivering some of our assemblies too! 

Year 6 Investigate Light in Science, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 26th Feb 2025 @ 1:56pm

As part of the science curriculum, Year 6 have been learning how to recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines by investigating the angles of incidence and reflection.

Using their new knowledge (that uninterrupted light travels in straight lines) the children can now explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye and that we see things because light travels from a light source to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes.

We Made A Difference for Francis House Children's Hospice, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 24th Feb 2025 @ 1:29pm

Kate Puc from Francis House Children's Hospice visited school to say thank you for our kind donations to Francis House Children's Hospice.

The retiring collections from our Christmas nativities were donated to this important charity.

We can't wait to find out how much we raised!

Year 6 Visit to Wilmslow High For Performing Arts Treat!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 24th Feb 2025 @ 1:25pm

Year 6 took the train to Wilmslow High School to see their prodiction of Six!

The children used the opportunity to start their transition process by taking the train to Wilmslow.

They loved the production and can't wait to get to know the high school better - ready for September!

Love is in the Air!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 24th Feb 2025 @ 11:00am

Year 2 have been celebrating their hardwork with a class award.

They have had a special Valentine's treat afternoon and bought their special toys to school.

Can You Play Tchoukball? We Can!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 5:17pm

A team of year 6 children visited Wilmslow High School to learn how to play Tchoukball.

This fast, furious and technical sport is unique as you can score at both ends of the pitch.

The team listened well, watched and learnt how to use their tactics to beat their opposition.... which they did in each game!

Great job Year 6.

Magical Memories Made at Valentine's Disco, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:55pm

Thank you to our wonderful PTA for an amazing Valentine's Disco.

Dressed in their best, children from across the school danced and sang the night away.

What great memories were made!

Year 4 Footballers Take On Local Teams, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:52pm

Our Year 4 Football team battled the rain to participate in a local tournament.

The team fought hard and played with determination and resilience.

We are very proud of them all.

Year 5 Discover the Past with Mayan Archaeologist, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:38pm

Year 5 travelled back in time to the Mayans with Britains only Mayan Archaeologist, Dr Diane.

They were able to investigate original artefacts that were 1000s of years old and learn all about this fascinating period in history.

Year 3 Football Team in Action, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:35pm

Our Year 3 team played represented AECPS at a football tournament hosted by MultiSports.

They played against  other schools and narrowly missed out on the final!

Despite the dreadful weather they gave their all and we are very proud of them!

新年快乐 - 'Gong hei fat choy', by Mrs Walsh

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 4:04pm

We have really enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year.

Thank you to Raffy Liu and the PTA for sharing this amazing festival with us all.

Year 3 practise their golf skills in PE!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 5:18pm

Year 3 are thoroughly enjoying learning some of the skills of golf! 

They have been working on their grip of the club and have considered how much swing to use for the desired power and distance in an attempt to hit the target! 

Year 3, we are so impressed! 

Year 3 Visit 'The Knitted Bible', by Mrs Walsh

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 5:07pm

Year 3 were invited to see the 'Knitted Bible' at Alderley Edge School for Girls.

This amazing piece of craft-work depicts well known stories from the bible through knitted characters and scenes.

The children were in awe of the skill and beauty of the scenes and impressed their teachers with their knowledge of the different Bible stories.

Their thoughtful questions and exemplary behaviour made everyone really proud.

Year 6 Join in Dodgeball Festival at Macclesfield Academy, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:15pm

Our Year 6 dodgeball team were in action against 6 other schools at a dodgeball festival.

It was fast, fun and furious and they won every game!

Well done team.

Celebrating Chinese New Year, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:13pm

Year 6 celebrated Chinese New Year, learning about the Year of the Snake.

Some of them were born in the Year of the snake!

Did you know that using chopsticks is a sign of humility and moderation?

Year 5 Use Drama to Explore Text, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 2:57pm

Year 5 have been exploring the inner thoughts and feelings of the Errand boy in their new English text The Errand.

Only the very start of the text has been shared, where the boy is travelling through the Whispering Wood.

Year 5 explored the perspective of both the boy and the trees, plants and animals of the Whispering Wood.

They used physical theatre and freeze frames and also displayed some great stage whispering! They then recorded the thoughts and sayings in their books.

The children are really enjoying this book and can't wait to find out more!


We loved MultiSports at Wilmslow High School, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 2:33pm

Children from year 3 and 4 represented our school at an inter-school multisports event.

The children tried our new activities as well as perfecting skills in other areas.

Thank you to Wilmslow High for organising this event.

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick