Alderley Edge Community Primary School

Academisation Process

Over recent years schools have been encouraged by the government to convert to Academy status*, indeed the government published a White Paper in 2022 stating that it was aiming for schools "to be in, or joining, a strong trust by 2030".

The academisation process has been gathering pace in Cheshire East and 59% of all primary schools are academies. Many of the academy schools belong to a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT**). Whilst the government has moved away from the 2030 deadline the academisation agenda is still being promoted by the government.

Over the last few years, the Governors of Alderley Edge Community Primary School have explored the academisation process and the possible benefits for Alderley Edge Community Primary School and our children.

The Governors have examined potential partners based on specific criteria, the priority being a similarity of ethos to AECPS with a focus on high academic standards for all children in a culture of inclusivity and strong community values. The Governors believe that in joining a MAT, AECPS must be able to keep its individuality to serve the children and families of Alderley Edge.

The process to date has highlighted the potential benefits, namely:

-           curriculum freedom but with access to enhanced support and resources  

-           greater access to specialist resources, HR, SEND, Legal

-           collaboration and sharing of good practice across schools from diverse backgrounds 

-           professional development and training for staff

-           career development opportunities 

-           economies of scale

-           specialist building and maintenance management 

Staff, parents and carers can ask questions by emailing

*Academy Status

An academy school in England is a state funded school which is directly funded by the Department of Education and independent of local authority control.

The terms of the arrangements are set out in individual academy funding agreements.

**Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)

A multi-academy or school trust is an academy trust that operates more than one academy school. The group of schools in a multi-academy trust work together to advance education for the public benefit.

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick