Alderley Edge Community Primary School

Our Recent Events

Celebrating Chinese New Year, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:13pm

Year 6 celebrated Chinese New Year, learning about the Year of the Snake.

Some of them were born in the Year of the snake!

Did you know that using chopsticks is a sign of humility and moderation?

Year 5 Use Drama to Explore Text, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 2:57pm

Year 5 have been exploring the inner thoughts and feelings of the Errand boy in their new English text The Errand.

Only the very start of the text has been shared, where the boy is travelling through the Whispering Wood.

Year 5 explored the perspective of both the boy and the trees, plants and animals of the Whispering Wood.

They used physical theatre and freeze frames and also displayed some great stage whispering! They then recorded the thoughts and sayings in their books.

The children are really enjoying this book and can't wait to find out more!


We loved MultiSports at Wilmslow High School, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 2:33pm

Children from year 3 and 4 represented our school at an inter-school multisports event.

The children tried our new activities as well as perfecting skills in other areas.

Thank you to Wilmslow High for organising this event.

Learning to Keep Safe Online in Year 3, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 1:56pm

Year 3 started their new Computing unit on Online Safety. 

They used 2Connect to create a mind map to show some of the ways that the Internet is used. 

They also discussed how a class blog could be used effectively.  

We Enjoy Visiting Alderley Edge Library, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 3:35pm

Each year group took a trip to Alderley Edge Library. They were given expert guidance on finding books of interest and were able to read a wide range during free time.

Many of the children are excited to go back and borrow some books!

Thank you very much Alderley Edge Library staff!

Exciting Start To New Year with Fun in the Snow!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 3:33pm

What a start to the year and we took the opportunity to get creative and develop team work in the snow.

Father Christmas Makes a Special Visit to AECPS, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 9:55am

The children were delighted to see Father Christmas this morning.

He took a special detour to visit all the classes and to have breakfast with KS1 and reception. 

He even read them a special story and we wished him a Happy Christmas!

KS2 Nativity Captivates the Congregation, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 5:21pm

The children in KS2, led by year 6, captivated the congregation as they retold the Christmas story through the eyes of witnesses.

The songs, poems and acting was of an exceptionally high standard and reminded us all of the reason why we celebrate at this time of year.

KS1 Delight Parents with Whoopsie-Daisy Angel!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 5:13pm

Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children wowed their audience with a stunning performance of their version of the nativity - Whoopsie-Daisy Angel.

The children all sang beautifully and remembered all their lines.... a great way to get us all in the festive spirit!

School Choir Perform for Parents at Christmas, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 2:43pm

The annual PTA christmas event were treated to a delightful performance from our school choir.

The children sang new and traditional Christmas songs to entertain their audience.

School Councillors Interview Local MP, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 2:41pm

We were delighted to welcome to school Ms Esther McVey, MP for Tatton, to talk to our School Council..

Children from years 1 - 6 interviewed Ms McVey about life as a MP, her views on the environment and conflict around the world.

The children really benefitted from finding out more about Parliament, Government and democracy.

Celebrating Together for Christmas Lunch, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 11th Dec 2024 @ 10:04am

We really enjoyed our delicious Christmas lunch thanks to our new caterers - MiQuill Catering.

Singing along to festive songs and wearing their Christmas hats, the children had fun sharing this special meal with their friends and teachers.

Year 1 Explore Alderley Edge in Geography, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 11th Dec 2024 @ 9:54am

Our year 1 children have been out and about in Alderley Edge, looking for human and physical features.

They have been surveying the different types of shop and buildings on the high street and are going to make some geographical conclusions back in school.

What do you think is the most popular type of shop?

Well done year 1.

Keeping Safe - Fire Safety with Cheshire Fire and Rescue, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 4:55pm

Year 5 had a visit from Cheshire Fire and Rescue this week.

They informed the children about what they should do if there is a fire at home and lots of top tips to ensure they keep safe, including making sure all toys are tidied away before bedtime - so there is always a clear path to escape!

Year 5 had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and then went outside to experience the smoke tent!

The smoke tent allowed the children to experience how important it is to stay low to the ground if there is smoke around.

Year 5 loved this experience and thank you to Cheshire Fire and Rescue.

Active Advent - We're Keeping Fit!, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 4:45pm

AECPS children have really enjoyed joining in with the Active Advent short dance routine sessions this week. They can't wait for more next week!

Reception have a festive trip to Waitrose!, by Miss Platt

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 3:29pm

Reception has a festive walk to Waitrose today in their Christmas jumpers and hats! The children have been working hard on writing their ingredients list for honey biscuits, and used them to search around Waitrose to bring the correct items home. Once back they followed the instructions to make the honey biscuits which they have brought home in their very own shopping bags that they made in DT this week.


A big thank you to the parents who supported us on this trip and also to Waitrose who gave all of the children a chocolate to bring back for snack time! 

Choir Enthrall Congregation at Christingle, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 3:26pm

Our wonderful choir enthralled the congregation at the Christingle at St Phillips Church.

They sang 3 contrasting seasonal songs and enjoyed joining in and acting out the 12 Days of Christmas with Rev Pye.

The also enjoyed learning all about the Christingle and helping to raise funds for Save the Children.

Y5 Engineers of the Future, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 3:16pm

Year 5 have loved their Design and Technology topic of Structures and building bridges.

They started the week off, with a challenge to make a bridge strong enough to hold a toy car - but only made from 1 sheet of paper!

Lots of children had to evaluate and change their ideas to ensure it fit the brief.

Some children even made their bridge strong enough to hold a small dictionary!


AECPS Join in UK Parliament Week 2024, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 28th Nov 2024 @ 11:07am

UK Parliament Week is a week-long national programme that aims to get the public to engage with the country's democratic systems and institutions.

Once again, all the children at AECPS have joined in learning about our country's rules, British Values and how we are goverened.

The topic of democracy plays an key element in the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) programme, which is incorporated into the school curriculum. This provides children with an understanding of how the democratic system works so they can make an impact on the issues they care about.

Last week, our children gained further understanding of how the Britain democracy works. They had a greater understanding of what it is like to vote and how the election process works through their  Class Council.

As young people are the future change-makers, we hope that the UK Parliament Week has inspired our children to get more involved in politics in the future.


Thank You Rosehill, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 21st Nov 2024 @ 2:37pm

A HUGE THANK YOU to Mr Brierley and Rosehill Furnishings Group for kindly donating 2 full sets of new classroom furniture to our school.

As you are aware, primary school budgets are very stretched and therefore purchasing replacement classroom furniture is a luxury that we cannot afford.

Mr Brierley and Rosehill have come to our aid and kindly donated 2 full sets of tables and ergonomic chairs for our children.

What a difference they have made to the children and the classroom environment.

Rosehill offer a huge choice of quality contract furniture. They have supplied our products into thousands of public and commercial buildings since 1982 for more details see their website

Year 6 Experts on Electricity, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 19th Nov 2024 @ 1:13pm

During science, Year 6 have had lots of fun been  about current and static electricity. They are now aware that current electricity is what powers our devices. It is the movement of electrons from atom to atom around a circuit. This movement happens at the speed of light. 

They also have learned how friction between two objects creates a movement of electrons between the objects that changes their electrical charge: losing electrons makes the objects positively charged and gaining them makes the object negatively charged. 

They also learnt how to: use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram by recognising and drawing scientific circuit symbols accurately  and how to draw scientific circuit symbols accurately.  

They used their new knowledge to design and make their own circuits.


We Love Reading Buddies, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 19th Nov 2024 @ 11:59am

Year 5 loved meeting their Reception Reading Buddies!

They introduced themselves and shared different story books together.

It was definitely a highlight of the week for Year 5 and we hope it was for Reception too!

Everybody is looking forward to more reading this week


Year 5 Join Rasberry Pi Foundation Bebras Challenge in Computing, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 18th Nov 2024 @ 8:34am

Year 5 took part in the Rasberry Pi Foundation Bebras Challenge this week.

The challenge focuses on computational thinking and problem solving.

It was challenging but Year 5 showed great resilience skills throughout and lots really enjoyed it! 

We love Making a Difference for Children in Need, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 12:01pm

Our school motto is 'Making a Difference'

We have really enjoyed this year's Children in Need and loved making a difference.

We dressed in Pudsey style clothes or as super heroes and took part in the Children in Need national, online assembly.

We also enjoyed the Gladiators activities led by our Sports Ambassadors.

World Kindness Day at AECPS, by Mrs Walsh

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 11:58am

Be Kind is part of our school code.

We have joined in World Kindness Day by participating in a world wide assembly on Be Kind.

All the childern and adults have also been secret kindness elves - leaving messages around school for people they have seen doining kind acts.

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick