Parent Forum
What is Parent Forum?
The Parent Forum aims to discuss a range of issues and offer opinion on a variety of subjects relating to school life. Although it is not be a decision making body, the forum has the opportunity to influence decisions through an open dialogue with the Headteacher. The forum meets at differnet times and items are very open and can be suggested by the parents and by the school. It is a genuine attempt to seek the views of parents and develop a stronger partnership, by improving understanding through communication.
In summary, the forum will aim to achieve the following outcomes...
- To listen to the voice of Alderley Edge CP School parents
- For parents' views to impact on school life and decisions made about local services
- To have consultations with Parent Forum members - one every term
- To receive information about the school and its activities
- To participate in deciding how the Parent Forum operates
- To identify issues Parents want the Parent Forum to work on in school
- To work in partnership with staff
- To enjoy taking part in the life of the school in whatever way they can
The forum has evolved over time. Originally, those parents who sat on the Parent Forum were class reps for the PTA and therefore represent parents right across every age group in school. However, this is now not the case and it is often dependent on the issues discussed or the process followed.
For example - a questionnaire might lead to a different group of parents meeting who are keen to discuss a particular issue.
It is important to note that the group will not have any statutory responsibilities, duties or powers in the school, but it will help us to communicate more effectively with our parent community.
Any notes from these meetings are shared with all parents and are posted on the website.