Alderley Edge Community Primary School


Welcome from the Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Board of Governors, I welcome this opportunity to briefly introduce you to the work the Governing Body undertakes to ensure that your child(ren) receive an outstanding education in a safe and happy environment.

The Governing Body has a range of powers and duties laid down by various Education Acts. In the main, these responsibilities relate to:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the 
    school and its pupils; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its 
    money is well spent.

Governors adopt, review and monitor a range of policies that govern the operation of the school including Health and Safety, Behaviour, Curriculum and Performance Management.

Governors discharge the above responsibilities, together with many others, through a Governing Body meeting each term. These formal meetings are supplemented by a series of sub-committee meetings dealing with more specific issues. A number of governors, referred to as ‘Link Governors’ also have have responsibilities for specific areas within the school such as mathematics, curriculum development, special educational needs and disability and pupil attendance.

Alderley Edge Community Primary School draws a unique strength from its size, to create an ‘all-inclusive community’ where staff, pupils, parents and governors work together to ensure that all our pupils have the opportunity to develop to their full potential and to ‘make a difference’.

The Governing Body is, therefore, rightly proud of the achievements of the school, not only in terms of high academic results, but also in the solid foundations it provides in preparing all our pupils for the remainder of their formative education.

We are keen to maintain effective and open channels of communication and are always open to any suggestions or comments the school community has.  If you would like to contact any member of the Governing Body, please do so via the school office or via email

Wendy Davies, Chair of Governors

Becoming a Governor

Have you considered becoming a Governor?  Please see contact our Chair of Governors or see Inspiring Governance for more details: Inspiring Governance 


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Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick