Our Recent Events
AECPS Made Lots of Noise About Bullying, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 1:44pm
All the children and staff at AECPS are committed to a 'Bully Free Zone'.
This year we launched our Anti Bullying Week by making lots of noise, following the theme of the national Anti-Bullying Week moto, in a special assembly led by Mrs Walsh.
All the classes are having special lessons this week on bullying prevention and trying to develop their understanding of when banter becomes bullying.
Some children even wore odd socks to school to highlight the importance of bullying prevention.
AECPS Remembers, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 1:36pm
On Friday 10th November, Mrs Walsh led a special whole school assembly so we could reflect together on the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces, now and in the past, to help keep us all safe.
We thought about the symbol of the poppy and what it means.
On Sunday 11th November, children from across KS2 represented AECPS at the Alderley Edge Armistice service in St Phillip Church's grounds. The had the honour of reading the names of the fallen from Alderley Edge to the rest of the congregation.
Ask Us About Democracy - It's National Parliament Week, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 3:45pm
The children across the school have been learning about democracy and parliament. The children have been learning to debate and express their views respectfully whilst also challenging other's points of view.
They have also been holding secret ballots and voting on important issues such as 'Should primary school children have homework.'
We were delighted to be visited by Ms Esther McVey, MP for Tatton, who visited school and spoke to the School Council. The children asked challenging questions about the work of an MP and what local issues she felt were the top of her agenda. The environment and maintaining the quality of provisions in the local area were considered important to local people and therefore important to Ms McVey.
Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 6:26pm
Some of the Year 5 and 6 children have been enjoying coding club this half-term. They were VERY excited to test out the school’s new Micro:bits.
This week we learnt to program them for the first time by writing a set of code so the LED output would display would act as a name badge.
PTA Community Firework Display Great Success, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 7:36pm
Thank you to our amazing PTA who organised a brilliant community fireworks display.
Despite the weather the crowds arrived and great fun was had by all!
Well done to Dylan (Y4) who won the poster competition and started off the firework display.
Environmental Club Off To A Great Start, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 5:12pm
The Environmental club got off to a great start.
The children were collecting Autumn leaves to dry out to make an Autumn wreath. They then started to dig and clear the school vegetable patch ready for winter.
Luckily the weather was great and the storm held off!!
Year 2 Create Sculptures in Clay, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 2:15pm
Year 2 have been developing their skills in scuplutre.
They have been using skills of pinching and rolling to make their sculptures of owlets.
They are incredibly realistic - well done year 2!
We love using drama techniques in our lessons, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 11:36am
We love using drama in our lessons to bring learning to life. We have been using freeze frames, conscious alleys and other techniques to interpret text in our Reading for Mastery lessons.
Year 2 Visit 'The Lowry' art gallery to support their work in history, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 16th Oct 2023 @ 5:15pm
Year 2 had a fantastic time on their visit to The Lowry Art Gallery in Manchester.
They have been studying the work of LS Lowry in art and history and considering its significance for local history and as a record of life in that era. The children thoroughly enjoyed seeing the original paintings and and finding out more about his life.
Whilst they were there, the children were also able to visit the Julia Donaldson exhibition and were delighted to meet Stick Man!
We had a Spooktacular Time at the Disco, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 6:10pm
Thank you to the PTA who arranged a fantastic halloween disco for all the children.
They had great fun dancing, spending time with their friends and dressing up in some amazing costumes.
Football Team Remain Unbeaten, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 5:18pm
The year 5 and 6 football team have continued their winning streak and remain unbeaten - they are top of the league!
Rev Pye Visits Year 5, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 4:47pm
Year 5 were lucky enough to have a visit from our local church, Reverend Robin Pye as a follow up from their visit to St Phillips as they had so many questions they wanted to ask.
Year 5 quizzed Reverend Pye on their current R.E topic, which is: Does Evolution disprove the Creation story? They all found it incredibly fascinating and insightful listening to Reverend Pye, and Amy's views.
KS2 Learn About The Story of Creation at St Phillips Church, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 4:45pm
All children in KS2 were welcomed to St Philips Church in Alderley Edge to learn about the Creation Story in the Bible.
The volunteers talked the children through the story and its meaning. They were they able to ask questions and wowed Reverend Pye with some very mature questions such as "Can you be a scientist and and still believe in Creation in the Bible?" This shows that the children are linking their learning in RE lessons in school with their experience at the church.
AECPS Contribute to the Civic Service at St Phillips Church, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 4:39pm
Children from our year 5 and 5 performed a beautiful poem at the Civic Service at St Phillips Church.
The theme for the service was 'Welcoming' and AECPS recited a poem called Refugees by Brain Bilston.
Thank you to the children for supporting this event on their weekend and for really 'Making a Difference.'
What talented artists in Year 1, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 4:34pm
In Art, year 1 have learnt about self-portraits. They have discussed what a self-portrait is and then used a mirror to look carefully at their own features to include in their self-portraits. As a class, they also discussed a famous artist called Frida Kahlo. The children worked well and produced some great sketches which they will paint in the coming weeks.
They also explored a colour wheel to identify primary and secondary colours. They then developed their colour mixing skills by creating their own colour wheel! We were so impressed with how well you supported each other! Well done Year 1!
Year 1 Learn About Being Safe Online, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 4:27pm
In Computing, the children have worked brilliantly, with their learning partners, to explore how to access Purple Mash on the Ipads.
They have been learning about how to log on safely and the importance of using their own log ins and keeping their passwords safe.
Year 5 Love Using Freeze Frame in Drama, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 4:24pm
Year 5 - as part of their new Reading for Mastery scheme - have been creating freezeframes all about their poem, At the End of the Day by Matt Goodfellow. This poem isn't like conventional poetry, as it is based on a conversation between a teacher and student and uses lots of colloquial language. The children have loved creating art to match the poem!
Netball Team Have a Winning Start, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 4th Oct 2023 @ 3:57pm
The netball team played in the first round of league matches.
They were outstanding showing superb skills, team work and tactics.
They won all their matches against tough opposition and are top of the league.
Year 4 Perfect Skills at Rugby Festival, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 9:13am
Year 4 have been learning tag rugby in their PE lessons.
A team of rugby players represented our school at the Wilmslow Schools' Tag Rugby Festival
They thoroughly enjoyed learning new techniques from the high school sports ambassadors.
Year 6 Tag Rugby Champions, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 9:10am
The Year 6 TagRugby Team were in action in the area championship at Wilmslow High School.
There performance, skills and team work were excellent and they convincingly won all their matches.
Watch out England!
Year 3 Learn About The Stone Age, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 2:00pm
Year 3 had an amazing Stone Age Experience at Tatton Park this week. From learning how to be a hunter gatherer to lighting fires and building shelters, year 3 experienced life as Neolithic stone age people!
Rob Ward, International Sculptor, Visits Year 6, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 11:37am
Rob Ward is a world renowned sculptor who makes monumental work in stainless steel, bronze and occasionally stone. He has work commisioned around the world.
Year 6 worked with Rob last year and this week continued their project taking their draft sketches and creating their ideas on canvass as a whole class plece.
The children developed their understanding of form, tone, line and colour using simple cracks in pavements as their inspiration.
Year 2 Learn The Importance of Clear Instructions, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 25th Sep 2023 @ 1:28pm
Year have been following instructions and learning how important it is to have them in the right order.
They have been using recipies and baking and having lots of fun!
Football Team Are Exemplary, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 5:57pm
We are exceptionally proud of our football team who played in the Wilmslow League.
They played brilliantly and their behaviour and team spirit was excellent. There football was even better!
The results were:
AECPS v Lacey Green - AECPS won 6 -0
AECPS v Gorsey Bank - AECPS won 2-0
Year 3 Are Superstars!, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:51pm
Year 3 have been looking at positive messages about themselves!
They have been celebrating their strengths, developing theor confidence and self belief and realising what superstars they are!