Our Recent Events
Year 2 Had An Amazing Time!, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 3:12pm
Year 2 have loved their residential to Delamere.
They have participated fully in all activities and grown in confidence, resilience and independence.
Have a look at our photos to see how much fun we had!
Year 2 Residential to Delamere, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 17th May 2023 @ 8:56pm
Year 2 are having the time of their lives!
They have loved den building and made some amazing creations followed by an exploration of the woods looking for the remains of a squirrel's lunch, badger sets and dreys.
After a delicious meal which was enjoyed by all, especially the puddings, the children have played games and then sang songs round the campfire whilst toasting marshmallows.
Great Job Year 6 !, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 15th May 2023 @ 11:10am
Year 6 have made us exceptionally proud with how they have managed their SATs.
The have all worked hard preparing for the tests and showed resilence and maturity in their approach to the formal testing process.
We couldn;t have asked for more.
The children celebrated with a fun afternoon and they are looking forward to their well-earned residential in Wales in a couple of weeks.
Watch our video of our King's Coronation celebrations, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 12th May 2023 @ 1:20pm
Year 1 Visit Quarry Bank Mill, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 10th May 2023 @ 4:42pm
Year 1 are learning about the Gregg family and Quarry Bank Mill in history.
They went to visit to see the impact the Gregg family had made and what life was like for the apprentices
The year 1 wowed the volunteers with their amazing knowledge of the history of the mill and their super behaviour.
Well done year 1!
Watch Out - Year 5 Bikeabilty!, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 3:17pm
Year 5 have had the pleasure of learning how to safely ride a bike this week.
They learned about an ABC check before riding, how to check the handle bar, how to indicate and stop safely.
They all passed their level 1 and made Miss Hibbert super proud!
Year 1 Creative Collages, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 9:37am
Year 1 have been busy tearing, cutting and overlapping a variety of papers to create a collage of 'Black Rock'!
They discussed different ways of arranging and layering the paper to add effect.
They then enjoyed sharing their work with each other! Well done Year 1!
Orchestra Awarded Joint First, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 3rd May 2023 @ 4:22pm
The school orchestra competed in the 105th Annual Alderley Edge Music Festival.
They performed four contrasting pieces and were awarded joint first.
We are exceptionally proud of our talented musicians.
Thank you to Mrs Aiken for her hard work and giving our AECPS children the opportunity to be part of the orchestra and gain so much from this experience.
Champions of Wimlsow, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 2nd May 2023 @ 10:19am
The Football Team have continued their winning streak and have won the area final crowing them as the Champions of Wilmslow.
The team play against the winners and runners up of both the A and B Leagues and won the overalll title.
We are so proud of them and all those who have played alongside and supported. Thank you also to Joe from PFC who can claim the Top Manager Title this Season!
Year 3 Learn String Instruments, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 2nd May 2023 @ 10:06am
Year 3 started their lessons with String instruments!
They practised learning the notes from high to low and low to high with actions and used their bodies to show the notes. They then learnt how to hold their instruments when resting and when playing. They learnt to pluck their strings and learnt a short song using the A and D strings. The Cello players also had a 'show off' pose and a hug pose for their Cellos!
Year 3 listened really well and were very respectful and caring of their new instruments.
Well done Year 3! They are very excited for their next lesson!
Year 1 Tree Sculpture Creations, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 11:29am
Year 1 have put their finishing touches to their tree sculptures. Well done for working so co-operatively with each other- we think they're fantastic!
Year 3 Are Forces Experts, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 11:08am
Year 3 have been learning about Forces this half term. They set up an investigation to look at how friction can slow cars moving. They made predictions and worked in pairs to compare results.
Reception Borrow New Books from the Library, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 10:36am
Reception have a great time at the Alderley Edge Library.
They thoroughly enjoyed reading their books when then they returned.
Ask Reception all about George and the Dragon, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 10:34am
The children in Reception have been thoroughly enjoying their "St George and the Dragon" topic.
There has been LOTS of fantastic role play, which has been developed day by day by the children to include lots of great language, imagination and make best use of items around them as appropriate props (We especially enjoyed the waste paper bin helmet!)
It has been great to see the children apply their new knowledge of nights and castles in their play as they label the castle they had built, replicated chain link armour in fine motor activities and also organised their own jousting game!
Environmental Club in Action, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 2:29pm
Environmental club got off to a fantastic start!
What a glorious afternoon ! We made daisy chains, dug over the vegetable patch and weeded!
Then with great excitement we pulled the rhubarb and now have gone home to cook and taste it!
AECPS Hosts Online Safety Conference for Local Schools, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 1:12pm
AECPS organised an online safety conference for year 6 children and their parents from across local primary schools.
DC Andrew Kevan from the Cyber Crime Team, came to AECPS to talk to parents and children about the dangers online and how to keep children (and adults!) safe.
He reminded us:
- to have our security settings in place for the APPs we are using which can be easily understood by accessing https://www.internetmatters.org/parental-controls/
- update and have a 3 random word password
- never cover cameras on laptops and desktops with bluetac or another cover
- keep phone, tablets and other devices out of bedrooms
Year 3 Love the Library, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 4:27pm
What a gorgeous morning to visit the library in the village! The year 3 children were very well behaved and interested to find out all about the services the library offers. They then had the difficult choice to choose one book!!!! Happy reading year 3!
Road Safety Campaign, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 1:16pm
The AECPS Safety Ambassadors have been working hard to improve the safety on the roads around school, especially to encourage safer parking.
They wrote to the Parish Council to ask for support to purchase two Safer Parking Buddies and were successful.
Today they were canvassing parents by sharing leaflets about the need to park safely around school.
They were joined by PSCO Jessica who helped share this important message.
Football Team Champions, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 1:37pm
What an achievement!
The year 5 and 6 football team have won the Wilmslow League and are proud owners of the Sheild!
We are very proud of all our players who have contributed over the season.
Netball Champions, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 1:28pm
Congratulations to our netball team who have won the Wilmslow Schools' cup. An amazing achievement.
Wonderful writers in Year 5, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 2:32pm
Year 5 children enjoyed their last Writing Club session on Friday. They have a great time compiling everything they had learned into outstanding pieces of writing to be shared with friends.
They celebrated their successes with a celebrational game of Writing Club Hangman and some party snacks.
Brilliant Boccia Team, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 9:38am
Our Year 2 and Year 3 Boccia Team were in action.
The children showed great skills and teamwork and had lots of fun.
They represented AECPS to the highest standard and we are very proud of them.
Year 4 Explore the Outdoors, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 1:07pm
The Year4s have really impressed their teachers with their courage and bravery, tackling problems and facing their fears.
What a fantastic start to our Year 4 residential, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 10:42am
Year 4 have loved their first day of their residential to Whitehall.
They have developed their independence, confidence and resilience as they tried new activities and spent their first night away from home.
After a tiring day they children were all finally asleep!
Y2 Enthralled at the Catalyst Museum, by Mrs Walsh
Date: 27th Mar 2023 @ 4:25pm
Year 2 have throroughly enjoyed their visit to the Catalyst Museum as part of their work in science.
They investigated materials and enjoyed making an alkali - soap.