Our News items
Can You Get A Blue Peter Badge for Reading?, by Mrs Shotton
PARENTS' EVENING - 18th & 19th OCTOBER 2023, by Mrs Shotton
PTA Fireworks Friday 3rd November, by Mrs Shotton
Reminder - PTA AGM this Friday at 9 am in The Squirrels Club, by Mrs Shotton
September Newsletter from Mrs Walsh, by Mrs Shotton
School Survey 2022/23 Report, by Mrs Broadrick
School Photograph Orders, by Mrs Broadrick
NHS information regarding childhood illnesses & vaccinations, by Mrs Shotton
Family Workshops, by Mrs Shotton
New Pilates at AECPS (for parents!), by Mrs Shotton
Important information regarding children, by Mrs Shotton
Parent Governor Elections Eligibility Declaration Form, by Mrs Broadrick
Parent Governor Elections - Nomination Form, by Mrs Broadrick
Parent Governor Elections - Governor Skills, by Mrs Broadrick
Message from the PTA, by Mrs Broadrick
ATTENDANCE , by Mrs Shotton
Welcome back newsletter, by Mrs Shotton
Parking at AECPS - changes to the car park on Eaton Drive, by Mrs Shotton
Confirmation of No RAAC Concrete at AECPS, by Mrs Broadrick
The Squirrels Club October Half Term, by Mrs Broadrick
PFC Afterschool sessions, by Mrs Broadrick
July Newsletter from Mrs Walsh, by Mrs Shotton
Bring a Toy Reward! - Friday 28th July 2023, by Mrs Shotton
Precis of Full Governing Board Meeting Summer 2023, by Mrs Broadrick