Alderley Edge Community Primary School

AECPS 'Borrowed The Moon'

These rare samples were provided to our school through a project called ‘Borrow the Moon’ by the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) which provides educational packs in a bid to inspire young people in Science.

The children were encouraged to reach for the stars and learn more about the universe around us during a week-long interactive experience of astronomy.

They were given the unique opportunity to touch a piece of a space rock not of this Earth as they handled genuine meteorites.

The pack provided by STFC included a 1.2bn year old piece of Mars rock and 4.3bn year old nickel meteorite. It is unlikely that children will ever get the chance to hold an object older than this, as Earth itself was formed 4.6bn years ago.


Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick