Alderley Edge Community Primary School


Dear Parents,

Mrs Lewis and the staff have been busy planning another amazing annual sports week over recent months.

This year the range of activities include:
•    Visits to local tennis clubs with coaching
•    Visits to cricket club with coaching
•    Lacrosse coaching in school
•    Dance workshops
•    Golf workshops
•    Cricket coaching in school
•    Visits to local hockey club with coaching
•    BMXing
•    Chill Factore
•    Bubble Football
•    Carrs Park River Walk

All the children will participate in most of the events locally and during their 7 years at our school they will experience the full range of opportunities.

The costs of the activities, professional coaches and in some cases, transport, have historically been funded by external sponsorship to reduce the contributions from school and the parent body. Unfortunately, this year we have been unable to secure sufficient sponsorship, so we are having to ask parents for a contribution towards the week that will be matched by funding from school. We apologise for this but the economic climate and the challenges of educational funding have made it financially difficult we do not want our children to miss out on this fantastic week of activities.

In order to enable these activities to take place we are asking for a donation of £10.00 per child which will be matched by school and any subsequent sponsorship.

Your payment can be made via Cheshire East link (under SPORTS WEEK 2024):

We realise that parents do not need to contribute as activities take place during the school day but activities such as these cannot take place unless parents help in this way.

Kind regards

Lindsey Walsh 
Head Teacher

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick