Food Bank Collection – please donate!
Dear Parents
Year 6 children, as part of their School Council project to 'Make a Difference', support the local food-bank at St Philip's church.
Please can you support this cause and send 1 or 2 (or more) non-perishable food items with your child to school on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March and Year 6 will deliver the items to the food bank.
Items that the food bank have requested in particular this time include the following:
• Tea and coffee
• Ketchup and brown sauce
• Jam and marmalade
• Tinned fish (e.g. tuna, sardines, salmon) and ham
On Tuesday, Year 6 will put a collection point in each classroom and would appreciate if children from other classes could support their effort by bringing in an item from home.
We know how busy this time of year is for our families so we would like to say a great big ‘THANK YOU’ in anticipation for your continued support.
Mrs Sym and Year 6